ExxonMobil and GE Launch Advanced Co-Branded Turbine Oil

01 Mar 2020, Posted by Adam Ingram in Product Announcements

Mobil SHC™ 918 EE is the first lubricant to meet GE’s new energy-efficient turbine oil specification, GEK 121603. This new technology can help operators reduce energyconsumption, and, thus, the cost to produce power. The turbine oil is designed for use in multi-shaft 7HA, 9HA, 6FA.01, and 7FA GE turbines, with approval for use by GE.

Reliability continues to be a highly critical measure of success in power generation, but the regulatory environment is changing. Several factors are causing gas turbine operators to also consider flexibility and agility so they can compete long term:

  • Growing consumer demand for more energy-efficient power production
  • The rise of renewables
  • Mandates for reduced energy consumption

Conventional turbine oil works, but it doesn’t work best for today’s power generation industry. For gas turbine operators that stay in their status quo, there are several risks involved:

  • Public scrutiny for not using more energy-efficient options
  • Higher operating costs
  • Unforeseen costs of state and federal regulations
  • Losing revenue to competition

Today, turbine oils can be designed to save on fuel and energy while protecting critical gas turbine components and improving reliability. Developed in collaboration and co-branded with GE, Mobil SHC 918 EE is the first turbine oil to meet GE’s new energy-efficient turbine oil specification, GEK 121603. Mobil SHC 918 EE was designed to maintain reliable operation while improving energy efficiency in certain GE gas turbine models.

Check out the video to learn more about how Mobil teamed up with GE to create the first turbine oil with a DE efficiency specification.

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